Sunday, December 18, 2011

OuTiNg ....

Anyong...hehhehhee....harini saya pergi klinik..amek ubat demam....alhamdulillah feel better now...kena rm55 ...lepas tu kami lepak pusing2 KK.ushar tempat untuk bufday party next week...tengok sunset...makan masakan semenanjung kat Salai Thai restaurant kot nama dy..mang terbaik r..sedap...malm plak kami perkena tomyam....deria rasa aku x bpe nk bg aku x sedap sgt tomyam tu ha...
Ned dengan Alang aku Izzat Azam

kat air terjun Kionsom



ngeeee..dah nak balik...

 makan durian smbil tgk sunset

alalala...tomeynya dua orang ni


suma ngah melayan perasan...

hmmm...itu la sedikit sebanyak aktiviti weekend mgu ni..walaupun demam still eager nak berjalan..ish3....

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

HaNna's CamP @Kundasang..:)

Last week..9, 10, 11 December aq ade attend satu camp kat Kundasang....Sejukkkk....kem ni under paramedic punya...malam tu perghhhhhhhhhh mang sejuk tahap gaban...maybe kalah peti sejuk kat umh aq tu....hahahhahaha....ramai yang ngadu so kami ubah tempat lew...ngeee...pindah balik pergi Likas...
hehehe..paling x bleh blah kami nyanyi lagu medley rakyat...perghhh..kami menang der...ngeeeee~~~~~...kelako la conclusionnya  kem ni x bpe best lew...hahhaa..sincerely aku ngaku x plak tyme2 kem pon de yg best tu tiru lam exam..ngeeee......

    So ckp byk x gna...ade la 2.3 keping gmbr yng aq ciluk kat fb Kak Yana...hehehhee...

 berlatarbelakangkan gunung kinabalu bha..:)

muka aq ndak nmpk ni...huhuhu

Ned , kak Yana ngn Sue

tinnginya saya...hehheee

Selamat Datang..ngeeeeeeeeee~~~~

 Salam Perantau konon...hahhhaha

 Sue ngn kak Yana...

 entah ape yg aq menungkan....berangan nak pnjat gunung kot..

so tu la sedikit sebanyak memory kat kem UMS sejati Sprint....araso..chaw dlu ek..bye

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

CoursEmATEs aq Happening la..:)

 Hai i've attend my 1st day lecture...introduction to conservation lecturer is Madame Lam Nyee Fan...totally in english...hehhee....hmmm not bad for this subject so far..its more to close ourself towards nature..

Ha..i want to tell u alhamdulillah i've got my  'ngam' fwends...hahhaa..her name Nadiah Kamarulzaman...hahhaa..budak ni asal Yong Peng, Johor.dy nidulu matriks negeri sembilan...mang aq bleh ngm r ngn dy ni...sma2 gila...hahhaa..Nad ko jgn marah r aq kata ko akn gelak je law ngn dy..hhahhaha...

Coursemates yg lain pon ok kira skunk aq pling rapat ngn Si Nadia ni la...hahhhaha...

Aq rindu r kawan2 matriks aq for sure r rndu jgk kawan2 sekolah aq dulu...sory quites busy now n jimat kredit nk tepon mak...hehhehe..

ok..dats all..esok de kelas kimia...

Sunday, September 11, 2011

NeW Life , New Frends , New Experiences

Alhamdulillah..tamat sudah mggu orentasi aq kat UMS..Campus ceria bha...anyway esok aq start rasa suma owg start kuliah sempat la jgk gayut ngn Pak Cik...hahhaa....lama la jgk....gadoh je lbeh...niat nk tnya sal kuliah je...hahhahaa...jauh bebenor aq tnya khabar,,,Pahang- Sabah...
 esok kelas aq start pkul 8 pagi...tataw cmna situasi esok..curious, nervous n exxited..hopefully dpt catch up le...xnk ulang mistake kat matriks dh...i'll gonna make a great job here..n i want to get a good pointer for myself, my family n my frends...

ok...dats from me today....already sleepy...esok kna bgon awl...dah le subuh awal kat sini...

assalamualaikum w.b.t...hehhehee......ingt kat budak tu bila bg salam pnjng2 ni...

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Last Moment Wif my Friends..:(

Ni ala2 reunion class....jumpa ramai2 kat KFC...tgok gmbo je la ek..:)
ni Firdaus n Salahudin....ska mengata kat owg..

Fatini, Suhana, Fini. n Zawanah....
Ni kandid ery n poji

me wif salahudin

Fatini n Zawanah
Fatini n Suhana
Firdaus moody..hahhahha
Suhana n Faizal
Sham n Helmi

aq mkn ayam ni je..hahhhaa..2 ketul lg kna paksa mkn...hahhaha..(propa semata2)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

SpeAcial FoR U aLL..^^

Buat teman...
 Tak terasa bila dia pergi..
Tapi sayu bila dy x kembali...
Mencari dengan hati suci..
Lebih indah dripada memiliki tapi x menghargai...
Dia datang tanpa seruan..
Dia pergi tanpa alasan...
Kejarlah dy sebelum hilang dari pandangan..
Kerana hadirnya anugerah yg tiada bandingan....

ayt ni member aq yg bg ni...
 kepada suma kengkawan aq...wei jgn rindu2 aq tau t...hahhaa...
jgn lupa plak kat aq ni for sure x lupa punya lah kat kekawan aq yg best n happening ni..^^
 sincerely aq yg t akn rindu kat kekawan aq ni...dh la pasni jumpa pon sthun skali dh ni....huhuh..sdih pon ade..

tp aq rsa ni mst akn jd great experience for me..:)..kawan2 doakn sya ek kat sna t ek...doakn sya dpt dekan ek...huhuhu.....

kawan2 doakan sya hepy je kat sana  ek..jgn doakan sya tersangkut ngn owg sabah plak ek....hahhaa...sya still peminat semenanjung boy...haahaha....

i will gonna miss u all la....eclass aq ckp wei..wei..rjin2 r melawat blog aq wei....hahha....t aq ley story mory life aq ngn sabahan kat blog selekeh aq ni......

Aq hepy kot dapat peluang kawan ngn kome2 suma ni...walaupon kekadang ada yg menggeramkan kalau kome suma x kcau ktuk pon rsa boring lew....huhuhu....

ni luahan speacial for my beloved frends...Firdaus, Sham.Salahudin, Fini,Zawanah, Fatini, Naza ( mst knal post aq kat ats ni kn..:), Ery, Pojie, my Little junior  Hanif,,wei t bli ole2 dri melaka bg kat aq ek...:)

wei..Ganbatte Kudasai...:) law kekadang aq de menyakitkan hati..i'm so sorry ni ckp lepas kit...anyway law de pblem ke..contct2 lew ley tlong aq tlong..huhuhu....suma de no fon kn.......

anyway thanks for being my frends.........

huhuhu...ckup la kot asenya....hehehe....dh melalut dh byk ni..hahhaa  wei..jom ikot aq fly..mntak2 la de kat sne...hehhehe.......

assalamualikum suma kekawan aq....

Sunday, July 17, 2011

AdA HiKmAh..pErcaYalah

Pernah x korang rsa "npe la aq xdpt tu ek....."hmmm...sebenarnya...ada hikmah la tu...Allah tahu ape yg terbaik utk kita..

Tyme UPSR...
impian: nak dpt 5A
hakikat: 3A 2B je...

Tyme PMR...
impian: nk p MRSM...
hakikat: x p pon sbb xp tmudga (x cnfident nak dpt straight a)

Tyme PMR lagi..
impian: trget 7A 1B
hakikat: 8A..(nanges kot aq tyme tu)...

Tyme SPM....
impian: nak 10A  ..(nk apply scholarship nk p oversea..)
hakikat: dpt 7A je...(frust jgk tp alhamdulillah...mak ayh hepy)

Masuk alam matrik plak..
impian: plihn pertama..matrik penang..pliahn ke2 matrik kedah...last choice...matrik perak....
hakikat: tahniah anda dpt matrik perak..(KMPk la tempat aq jumpa member yg happening kot)

Skunk..result upu dh kuar...
impian: UPSI ...(nak jd cgu Geografi)
hakikat: UMS..(conservation biology)...jauh kot...:( x mntk pon course ni..

Lepas ni aq tatau apa lg kejutan lam hdup aq...walau pepon aq syukur sgt coz dpt jejak kaki kat menara gading jgk.......

moral of the story..kita x thu msa dpn kite nt cmne...trima suma yg kite ade ngn redho...Allah perancang yg terbaik...dan Allah tahu apa yg terbaik....

To all my matriculation's fwendz..i'll gonna miss u...kita dh terpisah..huhuhu..sdih kot..yg dpt stu uni mang best r...

Ahmad (USM Penang- Biology), Ayong (USM-Biology`), Angah (USM-Polymer Engeneering),Tasya( UteM- engeneering), Nyna (UteM-sc compter), Anis (UUM), Alang (Unimas), Tikah ( Unimas),Scha( UMP), Midah (UMP), Una (UMP), Fadil (UniMaP), Taqi (UniKL), Lin (UPM), Eyka(USM) , Libbie (UiTM-Nursing),Aini(UMT- Biology), Zienda(UMT), Kak Shila ( samada UMT @Nursing SPA) plak kna cmpak p Sabah (UMS)...

kepada bakal2 doktor Dr.Iqbal( MBBS UiTM), Nurul (India)....n kepada Cik Balqis...pling jauh (UK)..
Untuk ROOMATES aq...Fatin( USM-Medic) n Nazirah ( Usim-Kaunseling)....

Untuk BFF aq...congrets jgk..Naza (UMP- Kej.mekanikal), Ikhwan (UTM-Engeneering jgk), Helmi (USim-Arab communication), Azlina (UMT- bsnes managemnt), Fazlina (UUM)...

Tahniah sumaa...

Monday, July 11, 2011

`` I'm LucKy"..!!!

 assalamualikum...i want to write something here...!!!

The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries,or the way she combs her hair.
The beauty of a woman must be seen in her eyes,because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides.

The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mole, But true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It is the caring that she lovingly gives, the passion that she shows and the beauty of a woman. With passing years-only grows!
entry kali ni aq nk sharing maring abaout 'WOMEN'..includes my mommy, my granny,my aunt, my sisters n me too...heeeh...when we talking about women, everything cn we dscribe about them...for mommy is a superwomen @supermak for me...she's do everything for me....thnks mak...for doing the laundary, for cooking dinner, for  be stronger thn me, for rasing n for u mom...
actually gurls today not like a gurl 10 years, women cn do what men can do......haahhaha...i'm proud to be a gurl..
gurls n beauty..two things dat can't be separate...hahhaha...every gurls want to look gorgeous, pretty n whatsoever...:P...thnks to Allah coz He had create us as perfect than everything in world...alhamdulillah...syukur kpd Allah...
As a women@gurls we should appreciate our own beauty...everone has their own beauty n advantages...don't try to be others ourself..
beauty not only cn be measured by pysical appearance only...but inner beauty too..
some people look gorgeous becoz of her intelligence..
some people look pretty bcoz of her attitudes...
and some people look cute bcoz of her manner..
so..don't worry when people not realize ur beauty bcoz we all beautiful n one day someone will find n appreciate our beauty.... .....

to all gurls outside...believe that we all beautifulll....hhehehe...plezz don't ruin our beauty n manner to wrong person..(senang cter jga kecantikkn kita utk suami yg sah ja nti).... insyallah...

p/s: i'm try to write in english becoz i want to learn from mistakes...tgor ek....english sya x sebagus mna 3 je.hehheheeh....

wassalam everyone....have a nice day!!!!!